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Kubeconfig management with kontext04-10-2023 • Kubernetes, kubeconfig, kontext
When you start using Kubernetes on a day-to-day basis you might run into a situation, that will force you to manage multiple kubeconfig files. This post will show you an opinionated way to handle multiple kubeconfig files within different environments.
Memos, a self-hosted, simple stream of your notes03-28-2023 • Memos, Kubernetes, Note-taking
Memos is a self-hosted application that simplifies note-taking by allowing users to save notes in a simple, unordered stream. Whether it's text, links, images, or PDF files, Memos can help you to keep track of your notes.
Automate Raspberry Pi image creation with Hashicorp Packer03-26-2023 • Raspberry Pi, Packer
Raspberry Pi's are still on a supply shortage, but let's be honest, they are still fun if you already own one, and you can still do amazing things with them. Creating an image for your Raspberry Pi can be tedious and time-consuming. This post will have a look at Hashicorp Packer and how it can be used to automate the creation of customized images for your Raspberry Pis.